CSS Selectors
Is your browser compatible?
After starting the test-suite it will automatically run a large number of small tests which will determine if your browser is compatible with a large number of CSS selectors. If it is not compatible with a particular selector it is marked as such. You can click on each CSS selector to see the results, including a small example and explanation for each of tests.
Because it is technically not possible to simulate certain user interactions the test is limited to CSS selectors that are not dependent on user interactions. So this test-suite does not include tests for the following selectors: :hover, :active, :focus and :selection.
Start the CSS Selectors test » 브라우저를 켠상태에서 여길 클릭 하면 CSS3지원 여부를 알 수 있다.
오페라9.2 , 구글크롬, 사파리는 모두 지원.
파이어폭스3, IE7은 몇가지 지원이 안된다.